Today we are going to be making vegan cake pops 😁😁😁😁 You will need flour, egg replacer salt, milk, sugar, and a cake pop machine. First you put one cup of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix them all together. Set the dry mix aside and use egg replacer to make 3 eggs. When you are done with putting the eggs in then put a teaspoon of vanilla. Add a half a cup of sugar and mix it in well. Then put 1 and a half cups of soy or coconut milk and mix both mixes together. If the batter is not smooth then add a little more milk. We added blue coloring but this is optional. Grab the cake pop cooker and then spray it with olive or avocado oil and plug it in. Wait until the color is green. While it is cooking, try to clean up a little. When the cake pop maker is on green, open it and put your batter in, while not over filling it. Close the lid and bake for 5 minutes✨✨✨ When you are done, grab an oven mitt and carefully open the lid. Carefully remove the cake pops and put them on a cooling rack. Once cool, you can insert sticks. Next you can dip them in chocolate or frosting. I hope you hade a great time making or learning how to make cake vegan cake pops. We enjoyed eating them. 😁😁😁✨✨✨🌈🌈🌈💙💙💙
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I like to keep my stuffies clean as they are usually on my bed. Here are 3 different ways to clean stuffed animals. First lets start with the fluffy ones that can get wet. Run the faucet and put some detergent in the water. If you have a smooth stuffy that can't get too wet, you can spot clean it. Grab a damp cloth and rub the stuffy clean. Then put them on a rack. I hope you learned something handy.
Here are some helpful life skills to make life easer.
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